Squeezing oranges: 5 ways to make orange juice

Updated on 24 Jul 2023
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Orange juice is a popular drink and tastes best when you squeeze it fresh yourself. There are several ways to squeeze juice, including with a juicer or with a hand press. Whereas one option calls for an expensive purchase but is easy and quick, the other is much more economical but takes a bit more work. Below, we list these two and three more ways to squeeze oranges so you can enjoy a delicious glass of fresh orange juice.

1. Easy and quick with a juicer

The easiest way to make juice is by using a juicer. You put the desired amount of oranges in the centrifuge, set the machine correctly and then just wait for the juice to come out. For optimum flavour, you peel the oranges first, which does take a bit more time. You do this to prevent the bitter taste of the inside from getting into the juice. Also, oranges are sometimes chemically treated and you want to avoid ingesting these substances.

2. Little trouble with an electric juicer

One of the most popular ways to make juice is with a juicer, electric or otherwise. To do this, you cut an orange down the middle and push the inside onto the press. An electric press will rotate automatically, squeezing the juice from the peel. Many citrus presses turn once counterclockwise and then once clockwise, extracting most of the juice from the peel. The juice drips into the jug and the pulp is filtered in between, giving you delicious juice without bits.

3. Economical with a manual press

An inexpensive alternative to a juicer or a juicer is the manual press. Before you can use the manual press, you cut the orange in half. You then clamp the half orange between the press and squeeze it shut. This squeezes the juice out of the orange. With a manual press, it is slightly more difficult to get all the juice out of the oranges and also the pulp is not filtered. Optionally, you can do this yourself using a sieve. We recommend using a press made of stainless steel, as it is sturdier and lasts longer than one made of plastic. 

4. Use a glass or plastic bottle

Don’t have a juicer, electric press or manual press at hand? Then you can also use a glass or a plastic bottle. You put a glass upside down in a bowl and squeeze half an orange on the glass by turning the orange to the left and right. The juice then ends up in the bowl. You can also use the same technique with a plastic bottle. In both cases, the pulp ends up in the juice and you filter it out with a strainer if you wish. Make sure you clean the bottle or glass thoroughly.

5. Good alternative: use your hands

Ook zonder enig toebehoor is het mogelijk om sinaasappelsap te maken. Nadat je de sinaasappel in het midden hebt doorgesneden, gebruik je je handen om deze uit te persen. Dit doe je door de zijkanten van de schil naar elkaar toe te knijpen vanuit verschillende hoeken. Je kunt duim binnenin gebruiken om extra sap uit de sinaasappel te krijgen. Met deze methode krijg je uiteindelijk het minste sap en heb je geen manier om het pulp te filteren.

How long does freshly squeezed orange juice keep?

Most people prefer to drink their freshly squeezed orange juice immediately, but what if you want to preserve it? It is recommended to drink the juice within a day or two or three. In the meantime, you store the juice in the fridge. The longer you leave the juice, the more vitamins will be lost. So it is better to drink your glass of orange juice immediately after squeezing the oranges. To keep juice longer than a few days, you can freeze it. For example, you freeze the juice as ice cubes and then put them in a freezer bag. You can keep these cubes in the freezer for up to a year. 

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